About us!

Hi, I'm Isabel!

I've always loved coffee, and this became incredibly evident while I was a college student at USC. I'd wake up, go to a fitness class, grab a latte on my way back to my dorm, and then grab a latte on my way to class. After class, I'd usually pick up another coffee on my way to whatever afternoon commitments I had.

When I graduated and joined a consulting firm, I became even more reliant on coffee. Through the early mornings at the airport and late nights at client-site, coffee was always by my side. I'd usually grab whatever was at the airport convenience store, which was rarely good - often full of oils, artificial sweeteners and calories. That, coupled with dairy sensitivity, meant I was usually paying for it on the other end... if you get what I mean. It was great for something to grab on-the-go, but I'd never go to bed dreaming of the next time I'd have a canned latte.

Then, through pure chance, I discovered A2 dairy, and the clouds parted. Creamy, decadent, and packed with nutrients, A2 allowed us to enjoy creamy coffee without hurting my gut. And that’s how Laurel's was born. Through our simple recipes and the magic of A2, we’ve designed a latte for a life on the go, without making you go.

It's been a blast creating a product that brings all the flavor, quality and indulgence to what you've only been able to find at the coffee shop.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think.
